বুধবার, ২৫ নভেম্বর, ২০০৯

In law we trust ! -by Sohail Choudhury

...Whatever might be written on books but it’s true that Law is not at all equal for all! ...Some people love to break law. Breaking law is a kind of fun to them. But some cannot afford it as they do not have enough of power.... OR may be breaking law is what powerful people enjoy doing [?]....

Weekly Blitz

VOLUME - 4, ISSUE - 48, DHAKA, NOVEMBER 25, 2009


In law we trust!

Sohail Choudhury

Just a few days ago, it was at around 11 PM, I was returning home from downtown in a friend’s/colleague’s bike who is associated with Weekly Blitz. Within Uttara Model Town, we were stopped by the members of ‘Elite Force’ Rapid Action Battalion [RAB]. Members of RAB asked some questions and on being convinced that we are not ‘bad people’; let us go. Appreciable! RAB members are doing ROUTINE PATROL/CHECKS to maintain law and order of the city and let the citizen sleep in peace.

Recently, another person has been arrested in connection to Great Leader Sheikh Mujibur Rahman murder case. She is Mehnaz Rashid. Mehnaz is no one other than the daughter of Colonel Rashid Khandaker. A man known to be one of the KEY Players in plotting assassination of the Great Leader and carrying out the operation himself along with others. But, when Mehnaz’s father took part in assassinating great leader Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Mehnaz was hardly a girl of 3/4 years. So, if she had escaped the country with her ‘killer father’ it wasn’t something she did by choice. But, later colonel Rashid came back to the country and formed a political party named FREEDOM PARTY. Mehnaz not only did join FREEDOM party but contested in parliament election from the party. Whenever Great Leader’s daughter Sheikh Hasina was in power; Colonel Rashid didn’t feel safe to be in the country. He left the country for unknown destination. Some say, he is in Libya under the protection of Colonel Ghaddafi. After assassination of Sheikh Mujibur, Rashid and his family was in Thailand for some time. In the interrogation Mehnaz confessed that Late President Ziaur Rahman was sending money for Rashid’s family in Thailand.

Since arrest of Mehnaz, news media has been catering interesting information not only related to the murder of Sheikh Mujibur, but her personal life.

A man who once used to be the second man of RAB, Brigadier General Fazlul Bari Chowdhury, forced Mehnaz to marry him while Mr. Chowdhury was in job.

Mehnaz Rashid gave birth to a child just a few months ago. The baby was not fathered by General Chowdhury but Mehnaz’s second husband. According to Mehnaz, Brigadier General Chowdhury is a man of very dirty nature. His grubby character compelled Mehnaz to divorce him. Should we believe Mehnaz? Its better not to, because she is the daughter of Colonel Rashid. But, even before Mehnaz was arrested, Chowdhury Bari got into controversy because of his role during the 1/11 [interim] government. Many political figures have hard feelings about General Chowdhury. He is believed to be one of the key-players in causing sufferings to the political leaders during the period of 1/11 government.

Brigadier General Fazlul Bari could face a court martial if he returns home. At this moment, he is in Washington after his leave was rejected and he gave up charge at the embassy. It may be mentioned that Brigadier General Chowdhury was sent to the United States with a diplomatic job as a reward for his contribution during the 1/11 government. Now, he has the support of his in-laws who are American citizens, according to news paper reports.

Fazlul Bari also was the Number two man in the Directorate General of Field Intelligence [DGFI], the military intelligence organization that is known to be used by successive governments for keeping surveillance over political opponents.

The former state minister for Home Affairs during BNP government, Lutfozzzaman Babar was once again interrogated in connection to the Grenade Attack on present Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on August 21, 2004. In remand, the former minister confessed that he arranged protection of those who carried out the attack under instruction from his superiors and suggestion from his colleagues. Who are the colleagues and who are the superiors? May be soon we shall come to know who are they? So what! Does it really matter that we come to know who they are? Can they be brought to justice? Will they ever be brought to justice? Because, it is presumable that Lutfozzaman’s seniors are not just anyone! It is already proven that some people cannot be held back. They are very dear to people! People love them; love them a lot! Enormous Love of people gave them license to do what ever they feel like.

Although Awami-League, the party in power was very much against of extra judicial killings, especially by the members of RAB during BNP government and the interim government, but now when they are in power, extra-judicial killing hasn’t stopped. Are the members of RAB absolutely out of control? Do they kill whom they kill on their personal will and wish? OR there is some one instructing them? As there is a government in the country, so, it is natural that RAB is no ‘out of control’ force. It means extra-judicial killing was and is needed.

After arrest of Mehnaz Rashid, we learnt that Late President Ziaur Rahman was sending money for the family of colonel Rashid, that time living in Thailand. In other words, he was patronizing a murderer.

People haven’t forgotten killing of General Manzoor! It is widely believed that one Police Officer Golam Quddus alias OC Quddus under instruction from General Ershad killed that General. Many will say that killing Manzoor was a demand of time. And of course, killing of the Great Leader Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and General Manzoor can not be measured in the same scale. But it was a murder anyway! What we know, after General Ershad assumed power; he hugely rewarded that Police Officer. Now, Mr. Golam Quddus is one of the richest men in the country: Lucky Man!

Whatever might be written on books but it’s true that Law is not at all equal for all! It is a common scene on Dhaka roads that whenever a minister passes in his FLAG CAR, traffic police stops other vehicles and makes a way for the minister to pass which creates worse congestion in Dhaka roads which is already over burdened with the loads of traffic. A few days ago, a law is passed that if any minister even tries to break traffic law, he will be fined with Taka 1000. There is a famous Bengali joke. One man was traveling long distance in train with his personal assistant. As it was a long journey, so the man was getting bored. He asked his personal assistant pointing at the CHAIN what is it? The servant replied, Sir, It is Chain, by pulling of which the train shall stop. Pull it, asked the master. The servant warned that this will cause penalty for the master. The master was adamant, he said PULL! As the servant pulled the chain, train stopped. But Railway guard came and asked ‘who pulled the chain?” The man replied, Sir, I did it! The guard said, pay 50 taka as fine. The gentleman asked his assistant to give away 500 taka to the guard. He wants to keep doing the same fun again and again!

Some people love to break law. Breaking law is a kind of fun to them. But some cannot afford it as they do not have enough of power. If they had power, probably every body would enjoy breaking law. OR may be breaking law is what powerful people enjoy doing [?]

Just thinking hypothetically, If Godzilla was in Dhaka walking along the streets of Dhaka, breaking all buildings with the scratch of his nails, would Police, RAB or any other law enforcing agency try to stop him? I can bet, NO! They are to safeguard law but cannot be stupid to combat such huge power! Only thing they would be praying for is that the Godzilla do not harm them or their families. One might say Godzilla is a beast he is ignorant of Law. Will someone be forgiven because he is ignorant of law? No! That’s no excuse!

O’ yes! A few days back the bike I talked about in the beginning was stolen. It was a Honda Hunk. Robbers broke the Padlock and entered the place where the motor-bike was parked. I along with my friend went to the Police Station early in the morning to lodge an FIR. Just to lodge the FIR they took more than 3 hours. Interestingly, we got the FIR copy not the same day, but the next. Why? We cannot even guess! We knew it is almost impossible to get back the bike. Because, we learnt from the police sources that robbers break down the bike into pieces, it is impossible to identify even for the owner that those small pieces belongs to him. If Police had any intention of attempting to catch the robber, they should have taken an initiative, make a move in no-time! I am not saying Police gave enough of time to the miscreants to digest the bike. So, is there a hidden link between the thugs and the ----------? God knows best!

We know if there was no law, there would be no civilization. But, sometimes some matters that we experience really put us in puzzlement!