Subject: Playing the militant card
From: Human Rights Forum
Sunday, March 22, 2009 8:18:24 PM
Playing the militant card
Sunita Paul
March 21, 2009
Commerce Minister in Bangladesh and the chief coordinator of the probe committees formed to investigate the bloody massacre, which took place inside Bangladesh Riffles (BDR) headquarters in Dhaka, once again told reporters on Saturday (March 21, 2009) that, the investigators have found ´militant connection´ with the brutal murder and massacre inside the BDR headquarters. Although the influential minister in the government is continuing to pass pre-judice comments on the carnage, chief investigator with Criminal Investigation Department (CID), Abdul Kahar Akhond categorically told reporters that, they are yet to find any militant connection into February´s mutiny.
It is a big question in the minds of the people as to why Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and her government is allowing Faruk Khan in giving such statements, which not only will create confusion about the sincerity of the government in properly investigating this most sensitive and important case, but also create doubts as to whether the government is pressing the investigators in putting liability on the unseen militants thus clearing all the potential suspects who hold important positions in the ruling party. The answer is very simple! Sheikh Hasina is allowing Faruk Khan to give statements, as this is the last resource for the ruling party in salvaging from a possible disaster, when it will be learnt that the massacre was planned and patronized by a number of important people, who belong to the ruling party. It was already mentioned that, at least 15 Awami League and ruling Grand Alliance leaders are already targeted as suspects.
While Bangladeshi media quoted Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), who came from United States to help in investigating the case, said, FBI found the February carnage in Dhaka to be pre-planned. Neither the CID chief nor the investigating officer knows anything about the statements attributed to the FBI agents by several newspapers in Bangladesh.
Criminal Investigation Department (CID) may take up to three months more to conclude their work as they face an unprecedented task of dealing with thousands of witnesses, according to a press report.
"It is quite a job to find out the guilty ones from 7,000 people, many of whom could be innocent," the source said.
The source pointed out that the number of "direct eye witnesses" was more than 5,000.
"This is the first time CID is investigating a case of this magnitude," said the source. "The number of suspected perpetrators is over a thousand."
Several CID teams, including ones outside Dhaka, have been working, but "the nature and scope of the work may take another 90 days".
For example, weapons and finger prints have been collected from various locations. "You have to match these with finger prints of at least 1,500 suspects."
So, the source says, it would be impossible to come up with a report of any substance "if we are pressed to do it tomorrow".
The CID investigators are questioning not only the suspects, but also the surviving army officers and the families.
The CID, being the main investigator, alone is working to collect the evidence and build a case for prosecution in a court of law. "But since there are three inquiries being conducted, there'll be little scope for mistakes."
Some analysts feel that, the reason behind imposing restrictions on CID could be because they [CID investigators] were always rejecting the statement of Faruk Khan of militant connection or foreign connection etc behind the February carnage.
Faruk Khan, an ex-army man is one of the most over-ambitious politicians in Bangladesh, who aspires of becoming the next number one figure in Bangladesh Awami League.
In a paid blog site of Faruk Khan (www., he is portrayed as ´Next Generation Leader of Bangladesh´. In this blog, Bangladesh´s founding father Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman´s photograph is placed in a manner, which would give an impression to the people that, Khan is a much greater leader than Sheikh Mujib. In the blog, Faruk Khan also proclaims himself to be an ´excellent personality´. If someone will visit this blog, they will possibly draw a conclusion that, in reality this man might be mentally insane, if not otherwise. And most importantly, in this blog, Faruk Khan simply ignored placing any portrait of Sheikh Hasina, to give a false impression to the people that he is ´THE ONE´ after Mujib.
In the blog, it is written, "Colonel (retd) Muhammad Faruk Khan is the Next Generation Leader of Bangladesh. The Leader of the Next Generation of Bangladesh Muhammad Faruk Khan is a Bangladeshi politician and current Commerce Minister of Bangladesh Government. Khan is a Parliament member of Bangladesh Government and the current Commerce & Industry Secretary of Awami League. Faruk Khan, A name of excellent personality of Bangladesh, He is the probable future President of Bangladesh Awami League. He is able take responsibilities as future president of Awami league, really he is "The Leader of the Next Generation of Bangladesh". He elected from one sit of Gopalgonj -01 with 99% vote as a third times at December 29, 2008's National Election. He is a retired Colonel of Bangladesh Army, he has excellent personality, good experience and lot of love for Bangladeshi's poor peoples. Khan was Born in Dhaka on September 18 in 1951, appointed Commerce Minister Col (retd) Faruk Khan was elected lawmaker for three times in a row since the 7th parliamentary elections in 1996.Col Faruk started his professional life as a commissioned officer in the then Pakistan Army. He completed his graduation from Pakistan Military Academy and masters in Defense Studies from Defense Services and Staff College in Mirpur. He also received higher education in defense related subjects from the United States. Mr. Khan worked as a member of the parliamentary standing committees on government institutions affairs and youth and sports ministry. He pledged to the people that he would protect Vatiapara riverbank area and construct a bridge at Kalna which would ease the road link from Dhaka to Khulna and Mongla. Muhammad Faruk Khan happily married to Nilufer Faruk Khan. Nilufer Faruk Khan is a social worker, she involve in various types of social works at rural level of Gopalgonj district. They are blessed with two daughters Qantara K Khan (Mumu) and Qareena K Khan (Jhumu)."
Questions here:
1. Why Faruk Khan proclaims himself as a former Colonel? According to facts, he is a retired Lieutenant Colonel.
2. How he claims to be the next probable president of Awami League? Who gave him such mandate?
3. He claims to be secured 99 per cent vote from his constituency during December 29, 2008 General Election in Bangladesh. I don´t know, if this is a fact.
Any Bangladeshi, considering him or her to be greater than Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman is a sure duffer and idiot. And how Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina can afford to live with such idiots in her team? She might be feeling delighted in seeing her own man Faruk Khan very successfully creating confusions about the investigations into the BDR Carnage. But, does she ever even think, what would be the ultimate consequence of such attitude? Moreover, does she ever think, what will happen if her ´Playing Militant Card´ plan will face a nose dive in near future?
Sunita Paul was born in 1952 in an affluent family in Kochin, India. She obtained her twice Masters in Political Science and journalism. Later she worked with a number of research institutions and started writing for nuemrous newspapers and periodicals in India and overseas. In recent times, her works have appeared in Sunday Ledger, African Times, Global Politician, Jerusalem Post, Women's World, Insight Magazine, Europe Post, The Asian Tribune, Countercurrents, American Thinker, Intelligence Reporteur etc.
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