শনিবার, ২১ মার্চ, ২০০৯

BDR Massacre : Bangladesh Khelafat Andolon Criticizes Faruq Khan's Statements to Misguide Investigations

Press Release : Monday 16 March 2009
We are Worried over Minister Faruq Khan’s senseless Statements regarding Carnage in Dhaka BDR Headquarter


We are worried that Lt. Col.(Rtd.)Faruq Khan, the ruling government’s Commerce Minister and Chief Coordinator of investigations of the carnage in BDR Head Quarter, is continuing to give senseless statements which are getting wide media coverage at home and abroad. His statements on the one hand raising questions about the role of the investigators, and on the other hand the suspicion about the ruling party’s complicity in the carnage is deepening. Moreover his statements are threatening future of Bangladesh military’s participation in UN Peacekeeping missions abroad. 

Ruling party Minister Faruk Khan has palliated the absconding fugitive BDR men. In another statement he openly said that some BDR men had JMB complicity. During investigation such statements are indicative of motive to misguide the investigation. It may be noted that the list of suspects of Carnage in BDR Headquarter reported already in local and foreign media includes names of more than one leading personality of the ruling party. Moreover the appointment of an anti-military pro-Awami League ex-police officer as the Investigation Office is being counted as efforts to intentionally misguide the investigation.

Bangladesh Khelafat Andolon demands high level intelligence analysis of the statements and role of ruling party minister Faruq Khan. This is required to ensure severe punishment to the actual perpetrators and to keep the image of our military as an institution aligned with our Freedom and Sovereignty.

Kazi Azizul Huq
International Affairs Secretary
Bangladesh Khelafat Andolon
E-mail: khelafat@dhaka.net
Cell: 01819-407963 

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